Tuesday 20 April 2010

Example :layout of own publication

Looking at the format and size of my publication, this below would be a perfect size to communicate the information in which i want to display, it will really show off my artist work although i will have to make sure that I can get high resolution images that will still look good enlarged.

First initial mock up
Quick mock up of what my publication could potentially look like...
I have just quickly designed the layout for my chapter on the 'Fresh Ctreatives'...
I want to be able to create loads of space to really concentrate and emphasis the detail of the designers work that i am portraying.

Front cover design:

1st chapter:
Very clear and precise typography, I want the focus to be on the design.

Pages broken up a little with blank block colour pages to add colour to design.
Double page spread of designers work will look really cool, people can tear out and use as poster.
Adding quotes from the artist will also help to personalise the information.

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